Production Of Recombinant BMP7 In Bioreactors

Bhanwariya, Manju

Production Of Recombinant BMP7 In Bioreactors by Manju Bhanwariya - IIT Jodhpur Department of Chemical Engineering 2023 - viii, 35p.

The development of the kidneys and eyes are biological processes that are influenced by bone morphogenetic protein (BMP7), a secreted homo-dimeric glycoprotein, and a growth factor which belongs to the Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGFβ) superfamily. As a result, it might also have further therapeutic promise for treating a number of illnesses. One of the microorganisms that is most frequently employed for the commercial production of heterologous proteins is Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In our study, BMP7 is expressed using S. cerevisiae in a shake flask. Shake-flask fermentation is a method that allows for continuous shaking of a liquid culture at a specific constant temperature. The constant shaking motion helps the microbe grow consistently and absorb nutrients equally while using a minimal amount of oxygen. The S. cerevisiae alpha mating factor signal peptide is commonly used to control the secretion of multiple diverse heterologous proteins in a variety of hosts like Pichia pastoris. Therefore, to secrete BMP7 protein for easier separation from the extracellular medium, the coding sequence of BMP7 is linked to the alpha mating factor secretion signal peptide and produced in a 100 ml shake flask. As future work, BMP7 may be produced in a 1-liter bioreactor.

Department of Chemical Engineering
Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP7)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Alpha Mating Factor Signal Peptide
MTech Theses

660.6 / B575P