Analysis of Multi Source Single Load System Considering Cable Resistance in Droop Controlled DC Microgrid

Chauhan, Arimardan Singh

Analysis of Multi Source Single Load System Considering Cable Resistance in Droop Controlled DC Microgrid by Arimardan SinghChauhan - IIT Jodhpur Department of Electrical Engineering 2018 - xi,36p. HB

Coordination of different distributed generation (DG) unitsis essential to meet the increasing de-mand for electricity. Many control strategies, such as droop control, master-slave control, andaverage current-sharing control, have been extensively implemented to operate parallel-connectedconverters for load sharing in DG network. Among these methods, the droop control technique hasbeen widely accepted in the scientific community because of no dependance on critical communi-cation links among parallel-connected converters to coordinate the DG units within a microgrid.Several methods of droop control do not consider cable impedance. However, In real case, theload sharing performance with droop control gets affected by cable resistance. Selection of droopresistance value play very important role in reducing the sharing unbalances from ideal value.Chosen droop resistance value should be such that the designer is able to keep the error withinrequired limits. For this a relation between droop resistance and cable resistance has been derivedin this work by considering a worst case. Although there are various kind of configuration availableto design dc system, however for assuring the consumer at load side a simple approach is proposed.The analysis of proposed approach reflects that even in worstcase the error will be in requiredlimits. The analysis of multi source single load is presented here that helps the design engineerto choose proper droop resistance value so that the sharing unbalance error and effects from cableresistance are minimized

Single Load System
Cable Resistance
MTech Theses
Department of Electrical Engineering

621.31 / C496A