Energy Harvesting Through Piezoelectric Bimorph

Sarraf, Aswani

Energy Harvesting Through Piezoelectric Bimorph by Aswani Sarraf - IIT Jodhpur Department of Mechanical Engineering 2020 - viii,42p. HB

Life sustains on energy. Energy could be in various forms. To make daily lives more convenient we depend on different forms of energy. Energy harvesting from vibrations using piezo materials is important to power sensors and actuators. Several piezo materials such as soft, hard and lead free are compared in this work. The geometry of the vibration based energy harvester is of the form of a piezo bimorph with a tip mass. These bimorphs are often manufactured using tape casting procedure. These days it is possible to buy the piezo bimorphs off the shelf. In this thesis, the material selection aspects and geometric design of the energy harvester are discussed. The mathematical model used for this purpose includes base excitation and incorporates material loss factors of piezo materials. It is found out that hard PZTs deliver highest energy, followed by soft and lead free materials.

Piezoelectric Bimorph
MTech Theses
Department of Mechanical Engineering

621.042 3 / Sa75E