Control of Static Deflections in End Milling of Thin-Walled Components

Jain, Ananta

Control of Static Deflections in End Milling of Thin-Walled Components by Ananta Jain - IIT Jodhpur Department of Mechanical Engineering 2020 - xvi,34p. HB

A significant amount of material is removed during machining of thin-walled parts (e.g., avionics trays and racks, aero-engine blades, turbine blades, entire girder, etc.) which result into a severe distortion of parts due to the reduced rigidity. These components are extremely “flexible‟ and tend to deflect easily due to cutting forces in milling operation. The change of relative position between the tool and the workpiece due to workpiece deflections result in surface errors on the components. The process planner is required to predict and control these deflections in achieving “first time right‟ components. This thesis proposes a FEM-based empirical approach for controlling static deflections of the thin-walled component by deriving semi-finishing workpiece geometry. The empirical relationship correlates factors contributing to the deflection with the progress of machining for determining the semi-finishing geometry. The semi-finishing geometry determined in this manner offers uniform deflections during the final machining pass. The study conceptualizes three different cases of the thin-walled components to determine the coefficients of an empirical relationship using ANSYS Workbench. The empirical model was subjected to specific conditions of thin-walled components for generating semi-finishing workpiece geometry. The outcomes of the proposed empirical model are validated by conducting computational experiments. It has been observed that the regularization of semi-finishing workpiece geometry using the proposed approach can produce thin-walled components with a uniform error along the length of the component.

End Milling of Thin-Walled Components
MTech Theses
Department of Mechanical Engineering

621.865 / J199C