Role of Solar Transposition Models on the Performance of Photovoltaic Plants

Gupta, Shobhit

Role of Solar Transposition Models on the Performance of Photovoltaic Plants by Shobhit Gupta - IIT Jodhpur Department of Mechanical Engineering 2019 - xv,42p. HB

One of society‟s foremost challenges for the next half-century is finding the energy sources to satisfy the world‟s growing demand.Solar energy is one of the renewable energy sources which can be utilized without affecting the nature. But, the amount of solar energy incident on solar panel depends on various factors.Different transposition models can beused tocalculate the total solar irradianceon tilted surface of solar panel.One of the research areas is todecide which transposition model is best for our location. Six transposition models are considered in this work. Experimental results from a rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) plant at IIT Jodhpurare used for finding out the suitable model. The focusof this work is to calculate the solar irradiancewhich is absorbed by the absorber plate of solar panel for each of the transposition models. The efficiency of solar panel depends on various factors. Absorbed solar energy is converted into electrical power. The electrical power output is calculated for all the six transposition modelsandcomparedwiththe power output obtained from solar power plant at IIT Jodhpur. For this purpose, a code in PYTHON languageis developed. Total solar irradianceon tilted surface and power output of solar panel of 15thday of every month from January to Decemberis calculated.Based on this work,thetransposition model suitable for Jodhpur locationis determined. Key Words: Transposition Models, Solar Irradianceon Tilted Surface of Solar Panel, Power Output, Python Language

Solar Transposition Models
MTech Theses
Department of Mechanical Engineering

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